
Optional Objects

Enrich your website with new functions: galleries, maps, banners, animated buttons and much more.

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Use no-code widgets to quickly improve your websites. Add OpenWidget plugin to your website and improve engagement, increase sales and maximize profits!
Google Full Calendar 
Show your Google Calendar activities in your web pages: customize them according to needs knowing that they will always be up to date in real time.
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21 Cr
Create a carousel with 3D images: the central element is displayed enlarged, while the side ones are arranged so to give the illusion of a series of covers scrolling horizontally.
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Fullscreen Scroll Text 
Create a band with the same page height: when scrolling down, a text will be displayed with fade-in and fade-out transition effects.
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Fullscreen Scroll Slider 
Each image in this gallery will take on all the available space: keep scrolling from one image to the next with a special fade-in and fade-out transition effect.
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Scroll Gallery Hor 
Create a gallery where images are displayed one by one: as you scroll down the page, the new image overlaps the previous one from right to left or vice versa.
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3D Rotation Gallery 
Create a rotating image carousel, where images support a link and stop on mouseover.
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Scroll Gallery Ver 
Create a gallery where images follow the page scroll, gradually overlap on top of each other.
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Scroll Image Hor 
Choose the images you prefer and create a horizontal scroll effect: when scrolling the page, the images will flow from right to left and the other way around.
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Hover Image 2 
Add an image and display the associated text and button with a transition effect on mouseover. You can choose among 14 different transition effects.
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Slider Timeline 
Create a timeline where each stage is presented with a slide including a background image, date, text and possibly a button leading to a relative info page.
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Dropbox Gallery 
Create a gallery showing the images stored in a Dropbox folder. By adding or removing a file from the folder, the gallery will automatically update.
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ZigZag Timeline 
Display on a zigzag timeline the most relevant stages of a particular process in chronological order
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18 Cr
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