
Optional Objects

Enrich your website with new functions: galleries, maps, banners, animated buttons and much more.


Shape Separator 
Elevate the design of your pages with custom dividers: create seamless transitions between content using dynamic shapes, waves, or SVG masks.
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16 Cr
Animated Box 2 
Insert animated boxes into your web pages to capture users' attention and showcase your content in a unique way. Combine images, text, and buttons with advanced effects and customizable masks.
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21 Cr
Manage your appointments directly from your website, organize more effectively and offer your customers a more professional service. To use this tool, please register on:
Import a PDF file and transform it into a flipbook - an online, browsable publication that looks just like a real book. You can embed it directly on your page or provide a link, with full control over customization.
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24 Cr
Accordion Text & FAQ 
Add text and FAQ with accordion style: the text is shown after clicking on the titles.
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Sticky Button 
Create buttons anchored at the edge of the page that always stay visible when scrolling and that allow users to quickly perform important actions such as calling you, signing up, or making a purchase.
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18 Cr
Scratch and Reveal 
Create a game in which you scratch over an image to reveal a second hidden image underneath. You can customize any aspect and use it to provide rewards and discounts as well as to promote your business.
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Before/After Image 
Compare two images defining the effect with which the transition must take place from one to the other.
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Price list 
Create menus and price lists for cafes, restaurants and shops. You can add titles, descriptions, prices, images and icons for each entry so to get well-formatted, customized price lists.
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Isometric Grid Gallery 
Create a gallery where images are arranged according to a neat isometric grid layout.
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Adv Calendar 
Create an Advent calendar -or any other calendar for different occasions throughout the year- and captivate your users with an engaging countdown experience. Customize the time frame, determine the number of boxes, and select the gifts or discounts concealed behind each one.
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24 Cr
Animated Box 
Your page will look more interesting with animated boxes that have: an image, a title, a description and a button. It's perfect to highlight the information you want your user to focus on.
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21 Cr
Google Full Calendar 
Show your Google Calendar activities in your web pages: customize them according to needs knowing that they will always be up to date in real time.
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21 Cr