
Дополнительные объекты

Добавьте на свой сайт новые функции: галереи, карты, баннеры, анимированные кнопки и многое другое.

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Activate an online booking system with a calendar on your web site. To use this service you need to subscribe to https://go.websitex5.com/wsx5_reservio.
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Vertical Timeline 
Create a timeline displaying the most relevant stages of a particular process in chronological order.
Parallax Image 
Add an image and set the parallax effect on it, so to see it moving while scrolling down the page.
Freshdesk Messaging 
Activate a chat service on your website, start conversing with your visitors and turn your new leads into satisfied customers. To use this service, please register here: http://go.websitex5.com/wsx5_freshchat.
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Google Forms 
Add polls, surveys and quizzes using Google Forms and collect your users' feedback.
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Vimeo Gallery 
Create a gallery with your favorite Vimeo videos: the thumbnails grid makes it easier to browse them.
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Cursor Floating Trail 
Animate the mouse pointer so to display a floating trail of bubbles, balloons, stars or other elements when you drag it.
Cursor Trail Effects 
Add an effect to the mouse pointer: by dragging it, you will see a trail of drops, flashes, flowers or other elements falling down.
Logo Slider 
Give your website a better authority by creating a slideshow with your partners' logos, with the brands you offer and the magazines reviewing your product and/or services.
Mobile Contact 
Enable your visitors browsing your website on mobile to see the buttons to contact you using E-Mail, Phone, WhatsApp or Social media.
Language Choice 
Add a drop-down list to enable the users to select the language for the website contents.
Overlay Menu 
Create a Hamburger Menu including the items in the first level. Once opened, the menu overlays all the available space on the page.
Simple Separator 
Add a separator with adjustable height to better manage the space between two contents.
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