
Obiekty opcjonalne

Wzbogać swoją witrynę o nowe funkcje: galerie, mapy, banery, animowane przyciski i wiele więcej.

Do kupienia

Memory Game 
Create a Memory game and define the number of columns for the cards. You can customize every aspect and use the game to provide rewards and discounts so to promote your business.
Polaroid Grid 
Create a gallery in which images are displayed like polaroids hanging on a wall and move as you scroll down the page.
Isometric Grid Gallery 
Create a gallery where images are arranged according to a neat isometric grid layout.
Adv Calendar 
Create an Advent calendar -or any other calendar for different occasions throughout the year- and captivate your users with an engaging countdown experience. Customize the time frame, determine the number of boxes, and select the gifts or discounts concealed behind each one.
Frame Gallery 
Amaze your users with a gallery where images flow in the background while a central element stays fixed in the foreground, such as a frame, a silhouette, a person, etc.
Animated Box 
Your page will look more interesting with animated boxes that have: an image, a title, a description and a button. It's perfect to highlight the information you want your user to focus on.
QRCode Generator 
Create your own QR code, choose between a wide variety of possible actions (link to a website, opening a PDF file, starting a phone call, etc.) and customize it to get a unique design.
Shuffle Text 
Grab the attention of your user with animated titles and text: reveal the final text by shuffling scrambled characters.
Photo Sphere Viewer 
Add 360° spherical photographs to the pages of your website and give your users an exciting and immersive experience.
Tilt Box 
Make your pages more interactive: animate colored boxes and images, complete with titles and links--you'll see them tilt as you hover.
Google Full Calendar 
Show your Google Calendar activities in your web pages: customize them according to needs knowing that they will always be up to date in real time.
Create a carousel with 3D images: the central element is displayed enlarged, while the side ones are arranged so to give the illusion of a series of covers scrolling horizontally.
Fullscreen Scroll Text 
Create a band with the same page height: when scrolling down, a text will be displayed with fade-in and fade-out transition effects.
Fullscreen Scroll Slider 
Each image in this gallery will take on all the available space: keep scrolling from one image to the next with a special fade-in and fade-out transition effect.
Scroll Gallery Hor 
Create a gallery where images are displayed one by one: as you scroll down the page, the new image overlaps the previous one from right to left or vice versa.