Категории Дополнительные объекты
Добавьте на свой сайт новые функции: галереи, карты, баннеры, анимированные кнопки и многое другое.
На продажу
Mobile Contact
Enable your visitors browsing your website on mobile to see the buttons to contact you using E-Mail, Phone, WhatsApp or Social media.
Language Choice
Add a drop-down list to enable the users to select the language for the website contents.
Overlay Menu
Create a Hamburger Menu including the items in the first level. Once opened, the menu overlays all the available space on the page.
Add a separator between two contents: you can use it to manage the spacing or to create a graphic element.
Create an animated text where numbers flow like an odometer or a slot machine.
Create an animated text and apply effects on words or letters.
Icons8 Win10 Icons
With this set of Windows 10 icons provided by Icons8, you can create modern and efficient graphic elements for your project.
RSS Feed
Create a box with the latest RSS Feed News from your Website, Blog or another Website of your choice.
Testimonial & Rating
Create well formatted boxes reporting your satisfied customers' feedback and ratings and show the quality of your products and/or services.
Accordion Gallery
Create a gallery where partially overlapping images flow on top of one another towards the foreground.
Font Awesome Icons
Download the icons offered by Font Awesome to create light graphic elements to be used on your website.
Audio Player
Add a player for a single track or a full playlist.
Swiper Animated Slider
Pick a reveal effect from the list and apply it to your images to create your Gallery.
Swiper Grid Slider
Create a gallery where images are displayed in a grid format with a description and are easily browsable through the indicator displaying the current image.
Animated Image
Creates an image on which are shown with an transition effect the text and a connected button.