BonBon Ceremonies

Erstellt mit WebSite X5 Evo 2019.1
Erfordert Zusatzobjekte
In Italy, gifts are given by hosts to their guests on special occasions such as weddings, baptism, First Communion or Confirmation. So here's ""BonBon Ceremonies"", a special template for those who create these special gifts or for who adds special services to any kind of event. Amazing full-width images to display your products and services and capture your users, parallax effect and a very useful product catalogue to sell your perfect gifts. Organize your image gallery with the photos that you prefer, connect with your social networks to update your frineds and customers and update the contact page with your details in a few clicks. Are you ready to go online with this amazing template?
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WebSite X5 Template
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BonBon Ceremonies
Eine komplette Website, die Sie personalisieren und noch heute veröffentlichen können.
16 Cr
Justified Gallery
18 Cr
Animated Button
8 Cr
Social Icons